North Yorkshire County Council




25 May 2021


Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies


Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)




Purpose of the Report



To enable appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies to be considered.



Extension of appointments to Outside Bodies previously made by the Executive to the end of the current Council in May 2022


2.0       Background  


2.1       The appointments to Outside Bodies made by the Executive subsequent to the 2017 County Council elections were for a period of 4 years to May 2021.  The recent deferment of the planned County Council elections to May 2022 means that these appointments need to be extended by one year.


2.2       The appointments to committees and some Outside Bodies were extended by one year at the County Council AGM on 5 May 2021.  The appointments to Local Bodies, which are made by the Area Constituency Committees, will be extended at the May and June 2021 round of those committee meetings.


3.0       Process for extending appointments


3.1       The majority of the appointments to Outside Bodies are made by the Executive (a total of 47 out of 52).  These are detailed in Appendix 1.


3.2       The Executive is asked to extend all of the appointments to Outside Bodies listed in Appendix 1, except those detailed below that have already been extended by the County Council, at the Annual General Meeting on 5 May 2021, to the end of the current Council in May 2022:


·         North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority

·         North York Moors National Park Authority

·         Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

·         West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Business Innovation and Growth Panel

·         West Yorkshire Combined Authority - Education and Skills Panel.


3.3       Please note that there has been an administrative error in Appendix 1 relating to the appointments to the North York Moors NPA and the Yorkshire Dales NPA.  County Councillor John McCartney is a member of the North York Moors NPA (not the Yorkshire Dales NPA) and County Councillor Stuart Parsons is a member of the Yorkshire Dales NPA (and not the North York Moors NPA). This administrative error will be corrected in the Constitution.


Appointment to the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Overview and Scrutiny Board




4.0       Background


4.1       The York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has previously held an annual overview and scrutiny meeting, that has been attended by councillors from the local authorities in the LEP area.    Recently, the LEP resolved to setup a more formal process for scrutinising the work of the LEP by establishing an independent Overview and Scrutiny Board.  It is anticipated that the Board will work collaboratively with local authority scrutiny, as appropriate.  The focus of the Overview and Scrutiny Board will initially be economic recovery from the covid-19 pandemic and progress with carbon reduction.


4.2       This year’s meetings are scheduled for 17 June 2021, 21 October 2021 and 20 January 2022.  The meetings will be at 2.00 pm and held virtually via Zoom.


4.3       In accordance with the LEP National Assurance Framework, the members of the Overview and Scrutiny Board cannot have previously taken part in any LEP decision making.  This then precludes current or past members and substitutes of the LEP Board and Infrastructure and Joint Assets Board.


4.4       The LEP is seeking one appointment and one substitute from North Yorkshire County Council to the Overview and Scrutiny Board.


5.0       Equalities


5.1       There are no equalities implications arising from this report.


5.0       Finance


6.1       There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.


7.0       Legal


7.1       There are no legal implications arising from this report.


8.0       Climate Change


8.1       There are no climate change implications arising from this report.











The Executive are asked to recommend to the Chief Executive that under his emergency delegated powers he: 

i)     Approve the extension of existing appointments to the Outside Bodies (as outlined in section 3.0 of this report), to the end of the current Council in May 2022.

ii)    Make one appointment and one substitute to the York and North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership Overview and Scrutiny Board.




Barry Khan

Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)

County Hall, Northallerton

30 April 2021



Report Author: Daniel Harry



Background documents:


North Yorkshire County Council Constitution - New Council Constitutions (